DVD & CD Editing, Mastering, Authoring
• Editing:
Recorded elements from the original live performance are assembled for
processing. Remixed digital audio is transferred into a digital editor
for further routing and assembly with digital video elements. All
digital video elements are transferred into real time digital non linear
editing environment where the work of creating an audio-video property is
performed. Audio & video picture data is manipulated, and assembled into
targeted media formats, and then exported into them for further processing.
Non linear video editing is all performed with full resolution real
time images, without compromise of image quality or losses in generational
processing. Audio editing is performed in the highest resolution format,
saving all data transcoding for release formats into the last stages.
• Mastering:
The audio elements recorded during the live event are prepared for the
target media destinations. All audio elements are converted into digital
signals at the front end, one time. All further downstream signal processing
occurs in the digital domain. Up to 48 original audio elements are
recorded, and then remixed into stereo/surround sound formats. A digital
audio console is utilized to perform the audio remix, and signal
processing. High resolution audio capture and remix is a unique specialty
of AES, LLC, as the technology has tremendous power to corrupt sensitive audio
& video data.
• Authoring:
The mixed and edited A/V property is authored for the target distribution
media. Menu navigation is created for DVD release and merged into the
AV data set. Graphics elements are manipulated and formatted for the product
packaging. Mastering The final AV property is transferred onto the target
media format. AES/AVP currently releases properties in the DVD video and CD
Audio formats. Digital Audio content is PCM linear, uncompressed data, and pro logic
surround compatible. AES additionally creates broadcast transmission ready properties
for release on high resolution S-VHS video tapes. Other lower resolution formats
are mastered for web and CD/Video applications.
Contact us for more information.